The Human Rights Management Policy
Modernform Group Public Company Limited
Realizing the important of business administration that reflects sustainable development, Modernform Group Plc is underlining important human right fundamentals to ensure that our operation and that executed by others within the group, suppliers and stakeholders adhere to the laws, human rights principles and international labor standards. These fundamentals are reflected through respectful co-existence, compassion, non-discrimination and awareness in human dignity, all of which are the cores of the human rights principles.
Modernform intends to comply with the principles of human rights stated in the laws and international standards as well as in fundamental labor rights and principles. We aim to adhere to and respect human rights principles while doing our business where human rights issue is one of the components being identified for corporate sustainability. We also encourage companies within the group, suppliers and stakeholders to comply with this fundamental practice.
Scopes of the Policy
This policy shall apply to directors, advisors, the management and all staff as well as companies in which we have management control such as subsidiaries and associated companies. We encourage suppliers, businesses and stakeholders to also apply this policy as a standard of their practice.
The “Company” means Modernform Group Plc and subsidiaries within the group identified in the consolidated financial statements.
“Human rights” mean rights that every human being equally has; human dignity, liberty and equality with non-discrimination against body, mind, race, nationality, original place of birth, ethnicity, faith, gender, language, age, skin colors, education, social status and culture. These rights are protected by the Constitution of Thailand, national laws and international treaties. They are also protected from illegal labor exploitation, slave labor, torture, human trafficking, abuse and forced and child labor. Equal employment opportunity, personal information and safety protection are practiced where everyone is equally treated with respect in diversity and differences through non-discriminatory action.
“Discrimination” means unequal treatment to individuals where rights, benefits, employment conditions are unequally set and distributed.
“Abuse” means an expression of opinions and behaviors or an undesirable and unacceptable action carried out against others, which shall include, for example, bullying, verbal insult, condemnation, physical or psychological violence, abuse, intrusion of privacy and sexual abuse.
“Vulnerable groups” shall mean individuals who are not able to physically and mentally protect their own rights and benefits due to their lack of power, education, resources, strength and others that may jeopardize their human rights. These vulnerable groups may refer to the disabled, women and children, foreign labor and migrants, suppliers’ workers and transgenders.
The Human Rights Management Policy
Directors, advisors, the management and all employees are to be aware of human rights management in all dimensions to ensure that the operation of Modernform and of companies within the group, suppliers and other stakeholders comply with the laws, human rights principles and international labor standards. This shall apply to everyone, every community and every stakeholders through compliance with the following policy guidelines:
- Equal treatment to everyone according to the human rights principles with non-discrimination
- No action and avoiding any action that could be human rights violation.
- Raising awareness of all and stakeholders of the importance of human rights; communicating and disseminating knowledge and understanding in this area; setting guidelines, overseeing and supporting actions reflecting the intent of the human rights principles.
Human Rights Practices
- Treating one another with respect and equality, taking into consideration human dignity, rights and freedom as well as equality with no physical or psychological discrimination or discrimination against race, nationality, place of birth, ethnicity, religion, gender, language, age, skin colors, education, social status and culture.
- Be vigilant of any practice or performance in a business setting that may lead to human rights violation. Be preventive of all forms of harassment.
- Exercise caution and collaboration to prevent human rights violation, use of slave labor, torture and human trafficking, abuse, use of forced and child labor, sexual harassment and all forms of harassment.
- Promoting awareness of stakeholders and everyone in human rights understanding; communicating and disseminating knowledge and understanding as well as setting directions, monitoring and supporting human rights principles so that the business is carried out ethically, with respect to human rights and where everyone is treated according to the human rights principles stated in this policy.
- Reviewing understanding and promoting human rights awareness; organizing trainings relating to human rights, discriminatory practices and workplace harassment to relevant employees and personnel.
- Monitoring and refusing to ignore when witnessing possible human rights violations hereunder by reporting to responsible persons or along the chain of command and collaborating in a fact-finding process.
- A whistleblowing and grievance channel is established and an incident reporting process to higher levels is available to provide justice and to protect whistleblowers of human rights violation incidents. Contacts can be made to the HR Director or other channels as set by the company where it will seriously consider the report and keep it confidential. Protection and justice will be given to victims, reporting persons and those providing information. The company may exercise the harshest disciplinary action, terminate employment or pursue legal action against perpetrators when human rights violation is found.
- To reflect this policy direction, we will establish preventive and protective measures and solutions to prevent human rights violation as well as to regularly review and update this policy and practices to minimize risks and make sure that everyone is well taken care of with fairness under this policy framework.
Practices of fair employment and fair use of labor
- Modernform commits to fair labor employment and fair labor use for our best management practices. We strive to comply with relevant laws and regulations, our Code of Conduct and other relevant rules and regulations.
- Everyone will be equally treated and his/her diversity will be celebrated where differences are recognized without discrimination.
- Modernform’s policy is to ban all forms of forced labor. We prohibit any involvement in illegal labor exploitation of slave labor, child labor and human trafficking.
- We will not force our employees to work overtime without consent.
- We will not threat or harass employees by taking away employees’ ID documents such as ID Card, passport and work permit and keeping them with us.
- We will not ask for or receive a deposit against work-related damage from employees that is higher than what the laws require.
- We will promote and regularly organize skill enhancing training to enable employees to work with expertise to their full potential in a safe and secured manner.
- Modernform will exercise fairness and equality when it comes to employment and non-discriminatory practices. We will take into consideration experiences and competency without regarding, among a few, physical and mental differences, race and nationality, place of birth and ethnicity, religion, gender, language, age, education, social status and cultural background.
- We have a policy to promote sexual diversity where sexual orientation differences will be equally treated in all dimensions. This includes activities to promote gender diversity and equality.
- Modernform will review understanding and promoting awareness of fair labor employment and fair labor use. It commits to oversee workplaces that are safe and healthy to employees, communities and relevant parties.
- Modernform will conduct oversight and will not tolerate if an offense is found where immediate filing can be made with the HR Department. In this regard, grievance and incident reporting and whistleblowing can be made to the HR Director or to other channels set by the company for the purpose of fairness and to protect a reporting person. The harshest disciplinary action, termination of employment and legal action can be exercised against such offenders.